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Cover Image for Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Solar

Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Solar

Embark on your solar energy journey with confidence by uncovering key insights from experienced homeowners. Our latest blog delves into crucial aspects such as ensuring roof health, avoiding analysis paralysis, and wisely navigating the solar market. Gain valuable knowledge to make your transition to solar power smooth and sustainable, while avoiding common pitfalls. This essential guide is a must-read for anyone contemplating the switch to solar energy.

Alexandra Murray
Cover Image for ENERGY STORAGE: Choose Smarter, Not Harder

ENERGY STORAGE: Choose Smarter, Not Harder

Uncover the advantages of solar batteries over traditional generators for emergency power, highlighting their efficiency, minimal maintenance, and compatibility with existing solar systems. Delve into the details of sizing, top brand comparisons, and the long-term cost benefits of choosing solar batteries for your home.

Alexandra Murray

Cover Image for Solar Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Solar Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking Solar Energy Myths: Dive into the truths about solar power with Lunex Power as we address common misconceptions. From climate-related myths to cost and maintenance, we illuminate the facts to help you make informed decisions for a sustainable future.

Alexandra Murray

Cover Image for Understanding the Solar Payback Period

Understanding the Solar Payback Period

Unlocking Solar ROI: Dive into the intricacies of the solar payback period. Learn how to calculate when your solar panels pay for themselves by considering crucial factors like system costs, utility rates, and location. Go beyond eco-friendly choices and discover the financial benefits of going solar. Let's break it down and crunch those numbers!

Alexandra Murray

Cover Image for Solar Energy: The Key to Cutting your Monthly Bills

Solar Energy: The Key to Cutting your Monthly Bills

Frustrated with escalating monthly energy bills? Discover the multifaceted benefits of switching to solar power: a solution that promises not only significant savings and energy independence but also a brighter, eco-friendly financial future, all while adding value to your property and contributing to the greater good.

Alexandra Murray

Cover Image for Why Start a Blog: Our Journey with Solar Power

Why Start a Blog: Our Journey with Solar Power

Navigating the transition to solar can be overwhelming; that's where our blog steps in as your trusted beacon of transparency and community in the renewable energy landscape. Welcome to the Lunex Power family, where we turn your solar journey into a collaborative mission for a sustainable future.

Alexandra Murray